One of the core features of the database cloud service is the Restful API which automatically reflects your database schema. All databases have a unique URL as a REST endpoint. Client applications communicate through the URL with JSON objects.
A database collection (same as a SQL table) contains your JSON documents.
HTTP Verb | Resource |
GET | https://<dburl><collection> |
↪ | Get list of JSON documents from database collection. |
GET | https://<dburl><collection>/ID |
Get one document from a collection. ID must be a valid ObjectID. | |
GET | https://<dburl><collection>/ID/<subcollection> |
Get list of documents from subcollection (subcollection is field name of type child). | |
GET | https://<dburl><collection>/ID/<subcollection>/ID |
Get document from subcollection (subcollection is field name of type child) and ID is a valid ObjectID. | |
POST | https://<dburl><collection> |
Create a new document in a collection. Request body is a valid JSON document. | |
POST | https://<dburl><collection>/ID/<subcollection> |
Create a child document in a sub collection. | |
POST array | https://<dburl><collection> |
Post array data. Request body is an array of JSON documents. Optional parameter validate=false , for bulk inserts without validation. Will also work for child documents. | |
PUT | https://<dburl><collection>/ID |
Update a document in a collection. Request body is a valid JSON document. | |
PATCH | https://<dburl><collection>/ID |
Update one or more properties on a document in a collection. Request body is a valid JSON object. | |
DELETE | https://<dburl><collection>/ID |
Delete a document in a collection. | |
DELETE array | https://<dburl><collection>/* |
Delete an array of documents in a collection. Request body must be an array of ID's. | |
DELETE query | https://<dburl><collection>/*?q={...} |
Delete a list of documents in a collection. List is based on query in parameter ?q={...} . Only allowed with a full access api-key or from a Codehook. |
HTTPS is required. The database REST API only responds to encrypted traffic so that your data remains safe. All API traffic must have a valid apikey or authorization JWT token as a parameter or as a request header field.
Read more about how to query database here.
Code examples for popular programming languages here.
If your development platform or firewall rules prevent you from calling HTTP methods like PUT, PATCH or DELETE, use the X-HTTP-Method-Override
header. Pass the method you want to use in the X-HTTP-Method-Override header and make your call using the POST method.
Http Verb | Resource |
GET | https://<dburl> |
Get binary data for media object with ID. ID is a valid ObjectID for an object in the media archive or an existing filename. Parameter s options; ?s=t (thumbnail), ?s=w (web) and ?s=o (original size). No API-key required. Use parameter ?download=true if you want the image or file to be downloaded instead of displayed. | |
GET | https://<dburl> |
Get all JSON media object metadata. Requires API-key. | |
GET | https://<dburl>*[?q={}&h={}] |
Query JSON media object metadata. E.g. https://<dburl>*/meta?q={"filesize": {"$gt": 30000}}&h={"$max":10, "$orderby":{"filesize":-1}, "$fields": {"origname": 1, "filesize": 1, "_id": 1}} . Requires API-key. | |
GET | https://<dburl>*/meta?ids=ID1,ID2,... |
Get list of JSON media object metadata. Requires API-key. | |
POST | https://<dburl> |
Post file(s) using the multipart/formdata protocol, view example. Requires API-key. | |
PUT | https://<dburl> |
Not yet implemented | |
DELETE | https://<dburl> |
Delete media content with ID. Requires API-key. |
Read more about media archive here.
Http Verb | Resource |
GET | https://<dburl> |
Get meta data for the database as a JSON object. | |
GET | https://<dburl><collection>/_meta |
Get meta data for the collection as a JSON object. |
Http Verb | Resource |
POST | https://<dburl> |
Send email. Request body contains one document:{"to": "...", "subject": "...", "html": "...", "company": "...", "sendername": "..."} , or an array of documents [{…},{…}] |
Read more about mail API here.
Http Verb | Resource | Functionality |
POST | https://<database>/auth/jwt | Generate a new JWT token. Body must contain a path to a secret and a payload with JWT claims, e.g {"secret": "path from global settings", "payload": {"email": ""}} |
GET | https://<database>/auth/userinfo | Get data about a user. Returns email, displayname and image. |
POST | https://<database>/auth/logout | Logout a user, invalidates the login token. This token can no longer be used for API access. |
For our test database, the REST endpoint URL is:
GET - read all items from a collection with rest api
curl -i -H "Accept: application/json"\
-H "Content-Type: application/json"\
-H "x-apikey: 560bd47058e7ab1b2648f4e7"\
-X GET ""
Example database output from GET Restful request above:
"_id": "5602647c7f98025500000041",
"description": "Saepe adipisci illo restful dignissimos. Dicta generate occaecati ex ducimus.",
"name": "Quaerat consectetur",
"photos": [
"serialno": "16177"
"_id": "5602647c7f9802550000003c",
"description": "Harum voluptas vitae restful consequatur with rest api.",
"name": "Ratione iste recusandae",
"photos": [
"serialno": "23588"
GET - read one database item from a collection requires an unique objectID (the _id field)
curl -i -H "Accept: application/json"\
-H "Content-Type: application/json"\
-H "x-apikey: 560bd47058e7ab1b2648f4e7"\
-X GET ''