var db = new db("your-CORS-apikey-here | JWT token", options);
<script src=""></script>
<script src="https://<databasename>"></script>
<script src="https://<databasename>"></script>
<script src="https://<databasename>"></script>
<script src="https://<databasename>"></script> also generates a complete API documentation, using the same URL with a .doc extension produces a HTML documentation page like below:
Add a link to your API documentation by a link to the generated library:
<a href="https://<databasename>">
var obj = new db.mycollection(properties);
{"name": "Foo", "zip": 900, ...}
name | type | description |
obj['name'] | text | Data field description here |
obj['zip'] | text | |
obj['employees'] | people | Link to another collection |
obj['address'] | text | |
obj['boss'] | people | Link to another collection |
obj['obj'] | json | |
obj['city'] | text |, res){
if (!err){
// res is now the saved obj
obj.delete(function(err, res){
if (!err){
// res is the ID of the deleted object
obj.reload(function(err, res){
if (!err){
// res is now the reloaded object from the database
obj.on(evt, callback)
obj.on("PUT", function(err, evt){
if (!err){
// PUT: contain the ID of the updated object, i.e. obj
// DELETE: contain an array of IDs, of which one is this obj
obj.projects.addChild(childobj, callback)
var child = new db.project({... properties ...});
obj.projects.addChild(child, function(err, res){
if (!err){
// res is the saved child
obj.projects.getChild(function(err, res){
if (!err){
// res is an array of child project objects
db.mycollection.find(query, [hints], callback)
var query = {}; // get all records
var hints = {"$max": 10, "$orderby": {"_id": -1}}; // top ten, sort by creation id in descending order
db.mycollection.find(query, hints, function(err, res){
if (!err){
// res is an array of mycollection objects
db.mycollection.getById(ID, callback)
db.mycollection.getById("570e4661edb62e6a00000000", function(err, res){
if (!err){
// res is a mycollection instance
db.mycollection.on(evt, callback)
db.mycollection.on("POST", function(err, evt){
if (!err){
// res evt contains data about event
// PUT: {event: "put", collection: "the-collection-name", data: "ID"}
// POST: {event: "post", collection: "", data: {_id: "ID", ...}}
// DELETE: {event: "delete", collection: "the-collection-name", data: ["ID1", "ID2", ...]}
db.on(event, callback)
db.on("PUT", function(error, eventdata){
// eventdata format: {event: "put", collection: "the-collection-name", data: "ID"}
db.on("POST", function(error, eventdata){
// eventdata format: {event: "post", collection: "", data: {_id: ID, ...}}
db.on("DELETE", function(error, eventdata){
// eventdata format: {event: "delete", collection: "the-collection-name", data: ["ID1", "ID2", ...]}
db.on("<your_message>", function(error, eventdata){
// eventdata format: {event: "<your_message>", data: {...}}
db.publish("<your_message>", {"answer": 42}, function(error, result){
// if not error result is {"message": "OK"}