In this example we have added two additional API-keys:
- One readonly (GET) key with access to /customers/** (meaning customers and all sub-urls). Only allowed from the site.
- One update only (POST) key with access to a specific customers "notes" collection. Access from anywhere. Using this key, programmers can add note objects to this customer only.
The image below shows the dialog for creating the API-key for customers
Example code
After creating you secure API-key, set up a global AJAX filter:$.ajaxPrefilter(function( options ) { if ( !options.beforeSend) { options.beforeSend = function (xhr) { xhr.setRequestHeader('x-apikey', '569a2b87566759cf4b984a50'); } } });Now you can run database queries from your code to do cool stuff in your application. The example below fetches a contact list sorted by name in reverse order:
$.getJSON('', function(data){ $.each(data, function(key, item){ $('#content').append(makeHtmlItem(item)); ... more cool stuff here }); });
We hope we have given you an idea of the flexibility of this approach to API-keys.
Read more in the docs here: