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Complete Dynamic web site based on Bootstrap 4

Database template for creating a complete dynamic website. Get out your new site in minutes!

This is a template we've created to make it super-simple to set up a complete dynamic website. It is based on Bootstrap 4 and uses a template from Bootswatch.

The template features:

  • A CMS-like publishing system where you can create dynamic content and news easily.
  • Mobile-first layout and styles based on Bootstrap 4 and Bootswatch so you can quickly change the look and feel.
  • A contact form which will capture requests in a collection/table and send you email.
  • Social sharing buttons so that people can share your content.
  • SEO settings on each page as well as a default sitemap to make your site easier to find using Google or other search engines.
  • An RSS feed so that people can subscribe to your newsfeed.

View live demo here.

Setup instructions can be found here.

HTML | Bootstrap | RSS | Markdown | Email