Simple online NoSQL database backend with automatic APIs and low code JavaScript hooks

Connect data and applications in powerful ways

Simple to use is probably the easiest online NoSQL database backend for web and serverless "low code" applications. Model your information quickly. The data management application, schema and REST API are instantly available using our powerful API Automation technology.

Free plan for teams 👨‍💻 👥

The online database tool is designed for the modern web with high performance automated REST API and NoSQL MongoDB query language, low code server-side javascript codehooks, user authentication (Auth0), Media Archive, Realtime messages and secure Ajax/CORS. The development database plan is completely free for up to 3 users.

User friendly

In the backend, users collaborate and work with data in multiple ways. A centralized search let's users quickly search through the entire database quickly (if given access). It's also a breeze to navigate the database relationships.

More than a database NoSQL databases can also serve web pages. Use HTML, Javascript, jQuery, Angular, ReactJS (or your favorite framework) on Pages with server-side data-binding. Add your own secure domains for the web pages and the REST API.

A cloud based power-tool with NoSQL, Automated REST APIs and user friendly UIs